The following sites are places and people that we
have found information and wisdom from
that have in turn inspired us.

As with any search, we encourage you to
use discernment and
follow your heart as you
visit any of the following pages...

And please pass on any links to organizaations & individuals who are promoting and living PEACE.

Imagine This!
A Television series about challenges and solutions in communities around the globe. This network of filmmakers and storytellers, activists and environmentalists, inventors and engineers doctors, artist and man other are dedicated to creating sustainable, life-altering projects for communities around the globe.

Launched on 8-8-08, MyPeace.TV is a social networking site for people to Unify and Co-Create Peace through Media. This site supports and networks with world peace events and other peace organizations.

The Mandala Project
The Mandala Project is a non-profit project dedicated to promoting peace through art and education...
This site is a wealth of information about what is going on in the world in support of World Peace!  It is truly a cornucopia of connections for kids, message boards, peace projects and much more!!!

Open Heart
This site has compiled an impressive list of links  to world peace organizations.... ...a wonderful resource.

Conversations With God
A link to Neale Donald Walsch's site, the popular author of the 'Conversations With God' series.  Interesting information here for the awakening soul.
Committed to growth through "conscious evolution,"  this site offers opportunities to participate in projects and organizations that resonate with your dreams and highlights many leaders who are committed to creating change through loving collaboration.

Bridging Heaven & Earth
Bridging Heaven & Earth, an international spiritual talk show, produced by the Bridging Heaven and Earth Foundation, focuses on opening the heart; bringing the spiritual and the physical, the human and the divine; heaven and earth within each one and the Oneness of all Life.

Transitions Radio Magazine
Transitions Radio Magazine (TRM), now in its 21st year, our signature show, blends a varied pacing of music, special features, guest interviews, cutting edge information and practical resources for these rapidly changing times.
Links to New Age and Metaphysical Web Sites.

The Healing Field
The Healing Field, located in Albuquerque, New Mexico offers classes, workshops and many healing modalities.  This site also includes a great deal of information related to personal well being and healing. They also publish The Source, New Mexico's most complete journal for health and wellness.

Voices of the Heart
Voices of the Heart the personal site of Carolyn Gregory, one of the co-creators of Universal Voices of Peace. You will find much of the same information you see here including tools, links, and information about her children's series, Dances of the Heart and Tales from `iOgOz - stories for children of all ages.

Love Knows No Boundaries
Love Knows No Boundaries is a site where you will find much of the same information you see here.  Love Knows No Boundaries offers guided meditation CD's, meditation music and artwork by Mark Jennings Reese,
Access to legislation and your US representatives...let your voice be heard.
Universal Voices For Peace